
I’d like to introduce myself and give you a little background to what is going on here.

My name is Richard G Gunstone and this is The Habits Coach website and blog.

My interest or should I say fascination with habits goes way back to The Fall of 2008 when I was looking for book to read. I checked out my bookshelf and came across a business book – one I had bought, possibly a year or more before but had sat there unopened, as so often happens with books – or used to with me anyway.

It was a 300 page book but the first 28 pages covered the subject of habits and the effect they have on our business activities. There was one phrase that caught my attention – ‘Your Habits Will Determine Your Future’.

I was so intrigued by the phrase and the content I read that first 28 pages several times before moving on to the rest of the book

I was now hooked on the power of habits and from that point on I decided to study the subject of habits and how they affect all areas of our life, not just business.

Thinking about it now the word ‘affect’ is probably a bit mild in this context because I have come to believe that habits actually ‘control’ our lives.

However the most exciting part of my studies has been the realization that although…

Our Habits Control Our Lives – We Control Our Habits.

This means you can control your life by recognizing your habits – both good and bad – and once recognized then you can set about changing specific habit changes to bring about changes in your life and the path it will take.

It was soon apparent to me that our habits affect the three crucial areas of our lives – happiness, health and wealth.

My first implementation of The Power of Habits was in the area of health and more specifically weight loss, shifting those extra pounds I had been carrying about for far too many years.

It worked so well and I decided to create program called The Habits Diet to help others with the same problem.

Then I moved on to the area of happiness within relationships and then ultimately careers and business. Each time using myself as a guinea pig and then go on to share my knowledge with others.

As a result of my constant studying and experimenting it is now my purpose in life to bring the information about habits and how they control our lives to as many people as possible so they too can change their lives for the better.

So The Habits Coach was born.

My aim is to help people, like yourself, who really want to change and improve their lives. Together we will look at your habits and help you decide which ones you can benefit from changing. Then work through the process to make it happen.

So welcome to the journey to better, positive habits.

Wishing You Happiness & Health Always

Richard G Gunstone
The Habits Coach






‘Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits”