We live in a time when the access to information has never been easier. If you are reading this post then you are obviously someone who makes use of the Internet to some degree.
I always describe the Internet as the biggest library in the world. It’s the biggest source of information and because of the powerful search engines we have at our disposal it is the easiest place to search through all that information to find just what we want. Or think we want.
That’s why today I want to talk about the problem that comes with this potential information overload.
Do you find that as you pursue your dreams and goals you are often, if not constantly, searching for your pathway to success, guidance of how to achieve your dreams, an easier route in life or even the Holy Grail because you know it’s out there somewhere, you just haven’t found it yet. Or have you?
If I could ask you to think for a moment of something or somebody you have come across during your searching that at the time you were excited by and believed – even only for a short period of time maybe – was just what you had been searching for all this time and held the answer to all the questions you had been asking. It contained your route map to success and all you had to do was take action based on what you had found.
But did you take action? The likely answer is NO!
Because what happens – and I know because I have been there – a few hours or a few days later you receive into your inbox or find on the Internet something that seems even more ‘spot on’ when it comes to helping you achieve your dreams.
So the earlier piece of information you believed was the answer will now be surpassed and most likely forgotten. Never to be thought of again.
And there lies the problem. Unless you stop right there and take action on one of these ideas or pieces of information then all you life will be about is searching. When what you life needs to be about is action. Because only action brings about results. And results bring benefits.
It doesn’t matter what area of life you are searching to change it could be happiness, health, diet, relationships, career or business there is so much information and ideas out there to keep searching through.
But from my own experience there is a strong possibility you have already seen what you were looking for. But with the habits of constant searching you may have gone past some powerful piece of information without even realizing it.
So here is my recommendation to you. Stop searching right now. Now is the time for action.
Check out what you already have on your computer hard-drive or on your bookshelf, open it up and re-read or maybe it’s a case of read fully for the very first time. Absorb the information and then take action.
Absorb the information and take focused action based on the information. Give it your very best shot for at least 30 days before you even think about searching for another answer to your same problem.
My experience tells me you stand a big chance of being pleasantly surprised.
“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits
You Can Take Back Control of Your Life”