Are you aware that your life up until now has been the result of a series of choices you have made at various points in your journey of life?
Making choices in your life is very much like a car journey. When you are in your car and reach an intersection or fork in the road you have to make a choice of direction to take.
If you have a map – or today it will probably be a satnav system – then you will consult it a make your decision based on the information on the map relative to your chosen destination. To make this process come together you have to already know your final destination.
But at your metaphorical junction on your journey of life oftentimes you won’t have a clear plan of where you want to get to. Especially if you haven’t been able to determine your goals.
You may have to make your decision, your choice, based on the best information you have available at the time. In many cases it will be a hunch or your ’gut feel’ of what is best for you at that particular moment in time.
However you do have to make a choice because if you didn’t you would stay rooted to the spot. Although you may not have always have seen it quite that way.
You may be thinking that your life isn’t like that, because you mistakenly believe in your world other people have made choices for you that have resulted in you being where you are right now.
Let’s just stop for a moment.
If you feel that other people have made those choices can you see that in actual fact you chose to allow these people – they could be family, friends, employers – to make choices on your behalf and take you down a road that you may not have wished to go down. You could have said no and taken a different route – made a different choice.
So are you prepared to accept that your past life is been created by your own choices. Some would certainly have been good and some not so good, but whatever they were the exciting news is that they are past and gone. They can’t be changed so don’t give them any more thought.
Instead keep in mind that from from hereon it is your future, the part of your life yet to come. It’s a blank canvas for you to design yourself. Yes it will require you to make more choices, but now I hope you realize they are your choices that will determine your future, not other people’s.
In order to make the best choices you need to have a plan and you need to have goals because they will form your journey, your roadmap.
Then when you reach those intersections and forks in the road, which you will, you will be able to make clearer decisions based now where you know you want to get to in life.
But perhaps more important you will be able to guard against other people trying to make choices on your behalf that might just take you down the wrong road.
Get into the habit of stopping taking a deep breath and assessing the situation before making the choice you are happy with and matches your roadmap of life, or your internal satnav system.
Never feel afraid to put your choice-making on pause for a few hours just to weigh all you options.
Take control of your life. Take control of your choices.
“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits
You Can Take Back Control of Your Life”