Probably one of the most powerful and satisfying habits to adopt is the habit of gratitude.
I feel it is important for us all to be grateful for what we already have right now, at this moment in time. Plus have gratitude for everything and everybody that comes into our lives on daily basis.
Because, although you may not be fully aware or accepting of the fact there are so many things coming into your life on a consistent daily basis. And when you start to look for them you will start to become aware of them.
I am frequently disappointed when I hear people express their dissatisfaction with what is going on in their life, because as an observer standing on the edge of their lives one can often see things that are obviously far too close them and come into the category of being taken for granted.
It is one of the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction that we must be in the habit of expressing our gratitude for what we already have especially if we would like more good things to come into our lives.
One of the best ways to bring more happiness into your life is to develop an attitude of gratitude for everything that is already in place.
As a firm believer happiness is a lifestyle choice then one of the best ways to develop a powerful inner happiness is to feel gratitude within for all we have.
I was prompted to write this post after I attended a recent charity evening.
Although I wasn’t involved in the organizing on this occasion I went along and had a very enjoyable evening. The fund raising side was successful – in my opinion – and equally important all the people who came along seemed to enjoy themselves.
To me, the people who were there that night, enjoying themselves was the most important part. Because, should the event be rerun at some time, as I am sure it will, there is a strong possibility they will come again.
The organizing team on the other hand, were semi-pleased with the money they raised, but at the same time I saw them as more focused on the people who they expected to come but didn’t turn up.
I just wanted to see them being full of appreciation and being grateful for those people who did make the time to come along. The result was they were left a little downhearted.
Be grateful for what you have and more of the same will come your way. Set it as a goal for your whole life and be ready to see and feel that more will come your way.
“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits
You Can Take Back Control of Your Life”