Ideas for articles frequently come from personal experiences in life and this is just one of those examples. It serves to illustrate the inner power we have when we develop the habit of believing.
Yesterday I met with the Managing Director of a company, that I do some consultancy for, to discuss their plans for the next quarter. He asked me to work with them a few weeks back. He wanted someone who was not directly involved in the company and therefore could give a more objective view on the company’s plans.
It has certainly been an interesting experience. It is quite normal for me, from my position, to point out that ideas they have are good but could do with a bit of fine tuning. But over the time I have been with them I have got used to the lack of acceptance of some of the things I suggest.
And yesterday was certainly one of those occasions. I put forward a couple of suggestions which I thought would have been better received and considered for inclusion to slightly modify their ideas. But that wasn’t the case. To be honest I came away for the meeting a little disappointed.
However I have now had time to reflect and my reflection and the thoughts that hit me this morning left me with very positive thoughts and were something I felt I wanted to share.
One of the strengths this guy has, perhaps his greatest strength, I now recognize as his strong belief system. His belief in himself, his belief in his ideas, and the belief in what his company and product can do for other businesses and other people.
In time he may adjust his approach to incorporate yesterday’s suggestions but for now he will proceed with the strong belief that he is right.
So what can we all take away from this episode in my life?
I see it as this – we must all work to develop this strong belief in ourselves and in our ideas. By doing this one thing I know we can all find the route to success in life.
I want to leave you with the knowledge that as long as you believe in yourself and your ability then success will come your way in all areas of your life.
Others will try to shake your belief. You will have days when you shake your own belief. But you must never lose your belief. Find ways to hold onto your belief, whatever, and the world will be yours.
“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits”