I find the title of this post frequently generates the question – but are we in control of them?

The answer is a very big YES.

Yes you do control your habits and once you accept and believe this simple truth then you will be on the road to changing you life in whichever ways you choose by some simple habit changes.

A phrase I would like you to keep in mind and one I use frequently when talking to clients is – Habits Control Our Lives – But You Control Your Habits.

Have you ever stopped to consider your habits or even better have you actually analyzed your habits and written down your findings?

If you have done this analysis, have you considered the impact these habits might be having on any particular aspect of your life?

Or are like so many, do you just take your habits for granted and move on in life?

Perhaps more important are habits something in your life that you have always believed – or been led believed by others – are something that you can’t change?

Please tell me you are not one of those people who have a ready made excuse when the suggestion of changing habits is put forward…..

I’m too old to change.

They’re too ingrained in my character to change.

Well to quote my favorite saying from the great Henry Ford – “ If you believe can or you believe you can’t you are right.”

Which tells us one thing once you can develop a belief system that you can change your habits – dealing with them one by one – then you are on your way to changing your life for the better.

Habits can be identified in so many area of your life, your career, your business, your financial stability, your relationships, your health and any more that you like to add.

I believe that at least 95% of our life is controlled by our habits. Isn’t that a good enough reason to take control of them?

So if you are not totally happy with the way your life is playing out at this moment in time then just stop and check some of your habits.

Ask yourself – if I was to make some small changes to some of my bad negative habits then could my life be just that little bit better – or maybe a lot better?

It has to be worth a try. What do you have to lose?

Why not pop your email address in the box above and I will keep you informed of future updates they will help you in this journey.


“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits
You Can Take Back Control of Your Life”

Filed under: Habits