Just stop for a moment and think about the power of that statement – Your Habits Control Your Life, Now let’s think about the second part. Because the important point I want you to focus on is the fact that You Can Change Your Habits.
If that is the case then by definition you can control your life going forward by taking full control of your habits.
At this point I can probably hear you saying, that’s all very interesting but changing my habits is going to be difficult or even impossible because they are part of who I am.
Yes they are and it will take some discipline and a bit of persistence, but it is also very doable for every one of us irrelevant of age. And the end result is what makes the effort worthwhile.
Have you ever stopped and thought about some of your habits and the effect they are having on your life. Don’t just think about bad habits, think about the good habits as well.
In fact stop what you are doing right now and just think about your habits. Do you ever feel that your habits are having an effect on what you are doing right now? Are you doing something purely because it is a habit?
Perhaps it will help if I define the word habit and you then you may realize exactly what is happening here.
“Habits are an acquired behavior pattern that one regularly follows until it becomes almost involuntary, or subconsciously done”.
The important word in this definition is ‘acquired’. At some point in your life your have acquired a habit, or you may prefer to call it a routine, that you carry out once or many times during your normal day without even realizing you are doing it.
So if you acquired this habit at some point and it is a bad habit, in your opinion, then isn’t it feasible that you could overwrite it with a good habit that will bring more benefit to you.
However, once you understand your habits – by taking the time to analyze them, recognize them and accept the power that they have – then you are well on your way to changing the bad habits which have a negative effect and are probably holding you back in life, for good positive habits that will help you move forward.
How often do you hear others say and in fact you may say it yourself, often by way of an excuse – ‘it’s just a habit I have’.
Or even worse when the comment is expanded to say – “It’s just a habit I have, but I’m too old to change my habits now.”
But you aren’t too old! You are never too old to change as long as you want to and believe you can change.
Have you ever thought how many things in your life are affected by your habits and how your life could be progressively changed just by a few habit changes and some perseverance.
“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits
You Can Take Back Control of Your Life”