For many years there was a strongly held belief that once we moved from childhood to adulthood our brain was in someway fixed  or hard-wired in such a way that it became resistant or even incapable of change.

You may have experienced the common reply when suggesting any idea of change or improvement to older members of your family and friends when they would come back with the classic reply.

“An interesting suggestion but I’m too old to change”

Fortunately we now know that statement is little more than an excuse. Because research over the last 20 or so years has proved that changes to the processes that go on in our brain is definitely possible as we move into adulthood and onwards towards our later life. It’s always there.

In fact it is as possible in later life as it was in our childhood. The only difference is that it may take a little more effort – that’s all.

These processes as I refer to them are your habits. And even if you have been living your life with certain habits, be they positive or negative habits, for a long while those habits can still be changed.

Habit change will occur when you link together three components – the desire to change, belief that you can change and persistence to maintain the change without breaking the daily process of change.

Change can often be difficult but if approached in small steps on a daily basis it is achievable for you and every one of us.


“Your Habits Control Your Life – But You Control Your Habits
You Can Take Back Control of Your Life”